Saturday, December 23, 2006

He calls me by name!!

I went on a retreat this past monday to a place called Liss on the border of Hampshire and West Sussex. I have been very frustrated with a few things in my life and felt led to get away and spend some one on one time with the Lord. I really felt His nearness during my time there, and I believe I sensed/heard some concrete answers to the issues I was bringing before Him. The most amazing thing though, something I wasn't expecting, was when He said to me: "I love you Blaine!". I have been a christian for just over 17 years and until this week, I have never heard Him use my name (I'm sure He has used my name, but I wasn't aware of it for some reason). As soon as I heard the Creator of the universe call me by my name, I became aware that for most of those 17 years I have felt anonymous in His presence. Funny, I knew I was in His presence, but didn't feel seen by Him. Now I know that not only does He see me, but my name is written in the Lambs Book of Life. It still blows my mind when I think about it. He is so awesome!!!


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