Sore Feet
Well, the 15 mile walk I mentioned in my last blog almost wore my feet right off. I've been cycling to and from work and there is a pretty decent hill to climb on the way home so my legs and cardio conditioning are better than they have been for more than 20 years. My feet though were killing me at the end of the walk. At about 10 miles into the walk we went through a really boggy area and it was quite, well boggy. My boots aren't as water proofed as I thought they were so my feet got wet, and then the blisters came. By the time I finished I had big blisters on the balls, and heels of both feet. Ouch!! If that had been the real thing in September where we would have to set up camp and walk another 10 miles the following day I never would have been able to finish. The area that we walked through was absolutely beautiful. At one point we walked along the sea side at the top of a 200 foot cliff. Awesome!! If I can ever figure out how to add photos to this I'll add them on.